DNA Workshop 2017 Summer SocialĀ - Thorn Mansion 2017 Spring Seminar - Featuring Ron Arons Bonnie Komar - Working the raffle table Everyone listening intently Betty and Jerry Howard enjoying a laugh Speaker Ron Arons entertaining the group Ron Arons signing his book for a member Jerry Howard with speaker Ron Arons Betty Howard and Ron Arons 2016 Mountain Ranch Day in the Park Wendy Black and Jerry Howard working the booth at Day in the Park Ruth Edmondson-Johnson from the DAR with Wendy and Jerry Members Kathy Mayhew and Joanne Piacentine Board members Jerry Howard and Kathy Mayhew DAR Representative Ruth Edmondson-Johnson 2016 Spring Seminar Cookies Dru & Faye Group Jean O & Friends Jerry Howard Kathryn Marshall Susan Strope & Friends Two Kathys (Kathryn Marshall and Kathy Mayhew) Two Louises